
Wisdom of Solomon – Chapter 7

{7:1} Certainly, I myself am also a mortal man, like everyone, and the offspring of this earth, which was made beforehand; and in my mother’s womb I was fashioned with care,
{7:2} within the time of ten months, made of blood, from the seed of man and the delight of sleeping together.
{7:3} And when I was born, I drew in the common air, and in similar fashion, I fell upon the earth, and the first voice I uttered, like everyone, was crying.
{7:4} I was nursed in swaddling clothes and with great care.
{7:5} For none of the kings had any other beginning of birth.
{7:6} Therefore, there is only one entrance for everyone into life, and the same in leaving.
{7:7} Because of this, I chose, and understanding was given to me; and I prayed, and the spirit of wisdom came to me;
{7:8} and I placed her before kingdoms and thrones, and I considered riches nothing in comparison with her.
{7:9} Neither did I compare to her a precious stone, for all gold in comparison with her is like a little sand, and silver, in view of her, will be valued as if dirt.
{7:10} I loved her above health and beauty, and I placed having her before light, for her light is unfailing.
{7:11} Yet all good things came to me together with her, and innumerable honors by her hand;
{7:12} and I rejoiced in all these, because this wisdom went before me, although I did not know that she is the mother of them all.
{7:13} This I have learned without falsehood and communicate without envy, and her integrity I do not hide.
{7:14} Indeed, she is an infinite treasure chest for men, and those who make use of it, become partakers in the friendship of God, because they are recommended by the gifts of instruction.
{7:15} Yet God has given to me to speak my mind, and to conceive thoughts worthy of those things that are given to me, because he is the leader of wisdom and the repairer of understanding.
{7:16} For in his hand are both we, and our words, and all wisdom, and the works of science, and instruction.
{7:17} For he has given me true knowledge of these things which exist: so as to know the orderly arrangement of the world, and the powers of the elements,
{7:18} the beginning and the end and the midpoint of the seasons, the characteristics of changing things, and the divisions of time,
{7:19} the courses of the years, and the orderly arrangement of the stars,
{7:20} the natures of animals, and the rage of wild beasts, the force of winds, and the reasonings of men, the diversities of plants, and the benefits of roots,
{7:21} and all such things as are hidden and unexpected, I have learned; for wisdom, the artisan of all things, taught me.
{7:22} For in her is the spirit of understanding: holy, singular, manifold, subtle, perceptive, lively, chaste, reliable, gracious, loving, good, astute, who forbids nothing beneficial,
{7:23} humane, kind, steadfast, trustworthy, secure, having all virtue, watching for all things and grasping all things with a pure and most delicate understanding of spirit.
{7:24} For wisdom is more active than all active things, yet she reaches everywhere because of her purity.
{7:25} For she is a breath of the virtue of God and a genuine emanation from the purity of the almighty God, and therefore nothing unclean can invade her.
{7:26} Indeed, she is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of the majesty of God, and the image of his goodness.
{7:27} And though she is one, she can do all things; and, unchanging in herself, she renews all things, and throughout the nations she conveys herself to holy souls, establishing them as friends and prophets of God.
{7:28} For God loves none but those who dwell with wisdom.
{7:29} For she is more spectacular than the sun, and above the array of all the stars; compared with the light, she is found to be before it.
{7:30} Indeed, after her comes night, but wisdom will not be overcome by malice.

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Wisdom of Solomon – Chapter 6

[Wisdom 6]
{6:1} Wisdom is better than power, and a prudent man is better than a powerful one.
{6:2} Therefore, hear, O kings, and understand; learn, you judges of the ends of the earth.
{6:3} Listen closely, you who hold the attention of the crowds, and who please yourselves by disturbing the nations.
{6:4} For power has been given to you from the Lord and strength from the Most High, who will examine your works and scrutinize your thoughts.
{6:5} For, when you were ministers of his kingdom, you did not judge correctly, nor keep the law of justice, nor walk according to the will of God.
{6:6} Horribly and quickly he will appear to you, because he will make a severe judgment for those who are in charge.
{6:7} For, to the little, great mercy is granted, but the powerful will endure powerful torment.
{6:8} For the Lord will not exempt anyone’s character, nor will he stand in awe of anyone’s greatness, because he himself made the little and the great, and he is equally concerned for everyone.
{6:9} But a powerful torture pursues the powerful.
{6:10} Therefore, O kings, these, my words, are for you, so that you may learn wisdom and not perish.
{6:11} For those who have justly preserved justice will be justified, and those who have learned these things will find what to answer.
{6:12} Therefore, desire my words, love them, and you will have instruction.
{6:13} Wisdom is pure and never fades away, and is easily seen by those who love her and found by those who seek her.
{6:14} She anticipates those who desire her, so that she first reveals herself to them.
{6:15} Whoever awakens early to seek her, will not labor, for he will find her sitting at his door.
{6:16} Therefore, by thinking about her, understanding is perfected, and whoever remains watchful for her, will quickly be secure.
{6:17} For she goes about seeking such as are worthy of her, and she reveals herself to them cheerfully in the ways, and meets them with all foresight.
{6:18} For the very true beginning of her is the desire for instruction.
{6:19} Therefore, the zeal for instruction is love, and love is the keeping of her laws, and the keeping of her laws is the perfection of incorruptibility,
{6:20} while incorruptibility makes us near to God.
{6:21} And so, the desire for wisdom leads to an everlasting kingdom.
{6:22} If, therefore, your delight is in thrones and scepters, O kings of the people, love wisdom, so that you may reign forever;
{6:23} love the light of wisdom, all you who lead the peoples.
{6:24} But what wisdom is, and how she was made, I will report, and I will not hide the mysteries of God from you, but I will investigate her from the beginning of her birth, and I will place the knowledge of her in the light, and will not pass over the truth.
{6:25} Neither will I hold to the path that dwindles away with envy, because such a man will not partake in wisdom.
{6:26} For the proliferation of the wise is sanity for the world, and a wise king is the mainstay of the people.
{6:27} Therefore, receive instruction by my words, and it will benefit you.

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